Reinventing AI Agents: Kanjun on the Gradient Dissent podcast

August 8, 2024

Our CEO, Kanjun, joined Weights & Biases co-founder Lukas Biewald on the Gradient Dissent podcast to discuss how AI agents are transforming software development, the potential impact and challenges of creating AI systems that can write and verify code, and the practical research involved.

You can find links to the full episode here.

“Imbue is all about directly empowering people. When I say ‘empower,’ it means a group of people feel like ‘okay, I know how to customize this to my needs; I know how to make this my own so that I can use it.’ Our product, our culture, everything is around directly empowering people and decentralizing and distributing power.” — Kanjun Qiu

If you’re interested in building collaborative agents that can reason and code, we’re hiring!