We're looking for fearless explorers to join us on our mission

We look for people who care deeply about reinventing computing, and who enjoy questioning assumptions, building from first principles, and operating with high agency. If that sounds like you, read on!

colored blob

People Philosophy

Roles that fit your personal & professional priorities

We understand that different environments work better for different people. Here, we have two flavors of role: in-person at our office in San Francisco and remote from anywhere you can be effective. The two roles differ in nature and each support their own range of lifestyles.

We value in-person discourse, collaboration, and bonding

At our office in SF, we believe in the power of getting people in the same room, debating tough topics, and having fun together on a regular basis. We have a daily team standup to share our work, unblock progress, and have a few laughs together.

We treat people like creative agents, not fixed assets

We work hard to create an environment of psychological safety so people feel empowered to explore their ideas—even the crazy ones. We protect deep work time so that people have space to innovate and create new value for our team, company, and society.

We help you uncover and develop latent superpowers

We share feedback (especially positive feedback!) frequently so you can better understand the unique value you bring to the table and hone your superpowers. We encourage self-improvement by supporting experimentation and rapid iteration on your own habits and working norms.

We value freedom, autonomy, and self-direction

Our remote engineers have the freedom to set their own location and hours. We expect them to communicate clearly and fulfill their obligations to the team while enjoying plenty of flexibility in exactly how and when they do their work and live their lives.

We provide context without adding to your to-do list

We record important information from all meetings so that others can catch up asynchronously if they want. We structure our communications so that you never need to read through long docs or Slack threads to figure out what's going on. We want you free to spend most of your time doing what you do best: engineering elegant solutions.

We care about craftsmanship and quality code

This position is great for people who appreciate high quality software, who love to create code that is a joy for others to work with, and who are willing to put in the time it takes to do so.

Hiring Philosophy

There are no cookie-cutter roles here

Whether you're remote or in-person, we utilize the mutual understanding we fostered during the interview stage to help you shape your role based on your skills, interests, and ideas. As the final round of our interview process, we do our best to present you with a trial project that is “up your alley” in some sense so you can see how your unique skillset may apply to our work.

Our interview process is a two-way street

We believe in fostering mutual understanding and alignment through our interview process. We ask that you be transparent with us so we can understand you as a whole person—from exploring your deeper goals, values, and motivations to emulating what it's like to collaborate with you. In return, we proactively offer you the information you need to understand the full picture of life at Imbue.

We're excited about diverse backgrounds

For our engineering roles, we don't require any hands-on ML/AI experience—we look for capable engineers who are quick and eager learners. For our research positions, we welcome people from unconventional backgrounds (including but not limited to physics, neuroscience, psychology, policy, etc.) and value the importance of diversity of thought and background. We do not require any advanced degrees.